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How to find the IP address of a website behind Cloudflare

WARNING: The content of this article are for testing purposes or it can be used to investigate fraudulent websites. Any actions taken based on the information provided here are at the reader's own risk. Reverse proxy services like Cloudflare can improve a website's speed and security by adding an additional layer of protection. This also […]

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Cyber Threats on the Rise: Google Ads, IDN Domains and Hacked Social Media Accounts

Hackers are continuously evolving their tactics to steal sensitive information and financial assets. One of their recent advancements includes the use of Google ads, IDN domains, and hacking of trusted social media accounts. Google ads provide a convenient platform for hackers to reach a large audience. They use phishing websites disguised as legitimate ones and […]

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What is the MITRE ATT&CK Framework?

MITRE ATT&CK™ (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. It is intended to provide a foundation for improving an organization's cybersecurity posture by helping security teams understand the ways that adversaries may attempt to compromise their systems. One of the key components […]

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What is a 51% attack?

A 51% attack is a type of malicious attack that can be carried out on a blockchain network. In a 51% attack, an attacker or group of attackers control more than 50% of the network's mining power, also known as hashrate. With this level of control, the attacker can manipulate the blockchain's transaction history, double-spend […]

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Fake Google ads can lead you to download malware

Malicious Google ads, also known as "malvertising," are ads that have been designed to infect a user's computer with malware. These ads can appear on any website that uses Google's advertising network, including popular sites like YouTube and Gmail. Cybercriminals are tricking unsuspecting users into downloading malware that steals personal information by using malicious Google […]

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MEV bots are a scam - they will drain all of your deposits!

Beware of MEV bots on social media. These scams advertise themselves as a way to make money on Uniswap, often with a large number of views on YouTube. However, they are actually just proxy contracts that forward your ETH deposits to a bad actor's account. These scams are successful because they deceive users into thinking […]

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