Elevating XPR Network Vanity Names with *.xpr.name


After conducting thorough research and deliberation to enhance the usability of XPR network vanity names, we have chosen to completely revamp our current service. As of now, our DNS service enables users to add their .xpr vanity names and establish an A record for website redirection. However, a limitation arises: the vanity names are only accessible locally, restricted to users of our DNS service. Additionally, owning a server is necessary to create a correct A record that will point to your website.

Our new strategy will share similarities with eth.link, which employs a centralized approach for accessing ENS information through DNS and is overseen by Cloudflare. In the case of eth.link, a wildcard DNS record (*.eth.link) is utilized to intercept requests for all ENS domains. Subsequently, Cloudflare workers query an IPFS Gateway using the CID to retrieve webpage content.

Our approach will diverge slightly. We have already published a wildcard DNS record for *.xpr.name and configured Nginx to manage all requests for registered vanity addresses directed to our DNS server.

We decided to buy domain xpr.name and to establish globally accessible vanity names under this domain. This means that whoever owns a name like "proton.xpr" will have the ability to generate "proton.xpr.name" This feature will function through our redirect gateway, directing users to the destination specified by the owner.

The best part about this is that you can make your unique XPR network vanity name and easily point it to any webpage you want. And the cool thing is, you don't even need to own a website. You could send people to your Twitter or even a chat on Telegram - it's up to you.

The complete procedure will be quite straightforward. You'll just have to log with WebAuth using vanity address and establish a destination for the requested page's redirection. A single click will initiate the creation of this record, enabling your.xpr.name to become operational within a span of 2 minutes.

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